International Conference of Asian Political Parties

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Subject [Himalayan] ICAPP Workshop on Human Trafficking
Writer ICAPP
Date 2014/01/15
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International meet to combat human trafficking
2014-01-15 10:16 PM

KATHMANDU: A three-day international conference on human trafficking is set to start in Kathmandu tomorrow. The meet is part of a joint effort of the government and political parties to combat human trafficking in Asia.

The government and International Conference of Asian Political Parties, the organisers, said delegates from 13 countries, including India, Pakistan, Sir Lanka, South Korea, Malaysia, Cambodia, Turkey and the Philippines are taking part in the conference.

ICAPP Vice-President and Nepali Congress leader Sujata Koirala is coordinating the conference that has all major political parties of Nepal as co-organisers.

“Many programmes on human trafficking have been held in the past. But this is the first major conference where the government, political parties and non-government organisation are joining hands to tackle an endemic problem,” Koirala said at a press meet held to inform about the event today.


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