International Conference of Asian Political Parties

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Subject ICAPP Update (17-11); The 28th SC Meeting, the 3rd Meeting of ICAPP Media Forum and the 1st Meeting of Asia Europe Poltical Forum
Writer ICAPP
Date 2017/04/17
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Dear Distinguished Members of the ICAPP Standing Committee,


This is to inform you that, after consultation with members of the bureau of the Standing Committee, it was tentatively agreed to hold the following three events of the ICAPP in Seoul, Republic of Korea during July 6-10, 2017.

- 3rd Meeting of the ICAPP Media Forum (July 7)

- 28th Meeting of the Standing Committee (late evening of July 7)

- 1st Meeting of the Asia Europe Political Forum (AEPF) (July 9)


The meetings will be co-hosted by the ICAPP Secretariat and the ICAPP Parliamentarians' Union in the Korean National Assembly.


Two topics are suggested for the ICAPP Media Forum, i.e. "role of the media in political democratization" and "role of the media in building an Asian community". Two topics are also suggested for the AEPF meeting, i.e. "climate change" and "populism in politics". In this regards, SC Members are requested to make other suggestions.


Regarding the ICAPP Media Forum meeting, the Secretariat will provide economy-class round-trip air ticket for one journalist from each country which is represented in the Standing Committee. In this regard, SC Members are requested to jointly recommend one senior journalist from their country who will attend the Media Forum meeting.


In addition, the hosts plan to arrange a special tour program of Panmunjon in the Demilitarized Zone dividing North and South Korea on Saturday, July 8 for the foreign participants. In order to join the tour, they should submit their registrations with the photocopy of their passports by June 2, 2017. In this regard, please be advised that registrations for the tour received after the deadline can not be processed in accordance with regulations of the authorities that administer entrance of foreign visitors to Panmunjom.


Attached are the tentative program, concept paper of the 1st meeting of the AEPF, registration form, and travel advisory.


With warm regards,


Chung Eui-yong 

Co-Chairman of the Standing Committee

and Secretary General of the ICAPP

Seoul, Korea 

April 3, 2017


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#911 Doryeom Bldg., 37, Saemunan-ro 5-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03173 Republic of Korea

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